Medical Laboratory Services

Embu Level 5 Hospital Laboratory

To provide accurate, reliable, and timely Laboratory Services to our clients.

Quality is key

The Laboratory Department forms an integral part  of medical service providence in the county, Embu Level 5 Hospital Laboratory is a department, which falls under the department of Health in Embu County Government.

EL5HL is a multiple-service medical lab comprising eight sections: Serology, immunology, Blood transfusion, Microbiology, Parasitology, Biochemistry, Haematology, and Cytology/Histology in support of clinical services at EL5HL. The hospital is located in Embu County.

EL5HL serves as the regional referral Laboratory to satellite Laboratories within Embu County for HIV ART monitoring, including CD4, Haematology and Biochemistry and  GeneXpert, Histopathology, Serology, and Blood Transfusion Services.

Renal Function Tests
Tumor Marker
Liver Function Test Urea CK-MB – Creatine Kinase Dephosphorylates
Alanine transaminase (ALT) Creatine D-Dimers
Aspartate transaminase (AST) Potassium Electrolytes HS-CRP
Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) Chloride Electrolytes Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)
Bilirubin (Total and Direct) Sodium Electrolytes Haematology
Gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) Hormonal Tests Full Blood Count
Total Proteins    Luteinizing Hormones Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
Albumin               Follicle stimulating Hormone Bleeding Time Test
Calcium                Progesterone Hormone Clotting Time Test
HBA1C                                                  Testosterone Hormone PBF
Lipid Profile       Troponin 1 Bone Marrow Analysis (BMA)
Glucose                Microbiology  
Triglycerides       Culture and Sensitivity Pus Culture
High density lipoproteins Stool Culture Csf Analysis/ Culture
Total cholesterol              Urine Culture Exudates Culture
Low density lipoproteins High Vaginal Swab Analysis/ Culture Urethral Swab Analysis/ Culture
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